Professional Learning Networks

This week in CEP 810, we were asked to create a Popplet to show a visual summary, or, a map of our professional learning networks. Each Popplet represents a different area where I connect in the real world to help myself grow as an educator. These networks help answer my questions, educate me, support me, advise me, collaborate and work with me, allow me to share what I know as an educator, and so much more. While creating the Popplet, I began to realize how much room and potential this map has to grow! I look forward to adding to my professional learning network as I continue my journey in the MAET program as well as in my teaching career.

My Professional Learning Networks 2

Networked Learning Project

This week’s assignment in CEP 810, we have been challenged to learn something new solely using YouTube and online Help Forums. For this project, I have decided to learn how to tie a necktie.

I am a married woman and have always been fascinated by the process however, could never help my husband tie the perfect tie. Often, his tying skills seem a little sloppy, or the uneven looking. A few times, out of frustration, he simply chose to not wear a tie due to the frustration of being able to do it just right. As he sometimes has to dress up for his job, church, or special events, it is important that someone in our household learns how to get this skill down.

I have already discovered that there are a multiple tutorials on YouTube to help me learn this skill. YouTube offers a variety of tying styles and methods as well as a variety of time frames you can learn to perform it ranging anywhere from 10 seconds to 5 minutes! I also began looking for help forums where people are discussing how to perform this skill. I had a much harder time than I thought I would as you don’t see that many people talking about this kind of thing. I was hoping I would see discussions of struggles and tips people had for tying the perfect tie. So far, I’ve only managed to find a few online threads that talk about tie preferences, styles, fabrics, etc. I did however, find a few forums that provided diagrams that showed the step-by-step process of neck tying.

This is definitely going to be a fun learning experience. I have attached a photo of the type of tie my husband and I think would be the most practical. We’ve decided on the traditional, Windsor tie. This shall be interesting!




The Man Who Taught Me the Double Windsor. Digital image. A Better Me in 2013. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 May 2016. <;.   




Learning & Understanding

In CEP 810 this week, we were required to write an essay based off of Bransford, Brown & Cocking’s book entitled, How People Learn. My essay describes how true learning is multi-faceted and requires a deeper level of thinking about the content at hand as well as the ability to be metacognitive. Furthermore, it explains the main difference between the expert and novice learner and how their different characteristics will greatly have an impact on true learning. You will also be able to see some of my personal connections I was able to make as a classroom teacher and how they are associated with the ideas and theories found in this book. Enjoy my essay!