Final Reflection

CEP 810 was a great experience! In the course, there were a few things we did that were eye-opening that I think will impact my professional practice. The networked learning project was  great reminder of how learning can be student-centered even with the simple tools of YouTube and help forums. As the student, I had full control of what I wanted to learn, how I wanted to learn it, and what tools (videos and forums) helped me learn the task the best. I think this project could definitely be used in the classroom by giving my students the same freedom to take control of their learning on practically any topic!

Another thing that was enlightening for me was the idea that Mishra discussed about how technology was not necessarily designed for the classroom. Because of this, educators need to be creative and think outside of the box on how they can use the technological tools that are already available. I will definitely use this as I reconsider the tools I have in my classroom and find clever ways of how to repurpose them to support student learning.

There a few things I would like to think about in order to successfully add these new ways to my professional practice. How are other educators using basic technology in the classroom? What unique ways are they repurposing them? What other tools, besides YouTube and help forums, can I use to promote student-centered learning? I think these questions are good to think about as it helps me expand on the work we did in the course. I look forward to using them to be more technologically successful in my classroom!



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